Wednesday, July 15, 2009

On the eve of turning 30

Thirty isn't such a big number. In popular culture it is some kind of gateway into old age, but I don't know if that applies to my generation.

I recently ran into a friend on the street, and when I recounted this later to a friend of mine, she got angry when I referred to my friend as a beautiful woman. "Girl, Krista, we are girls." This declaration of youth made me sad, why shouldn't we step up and claim our adulthood? Why do we need to hide behind a title we hated when we were 13? What is this stubborn denial of a number?

Tomorrow I turn 30. There is no test, there are no judgments outside of the ones I place on myself. I am happy, and have made some achievements. I have good friends, am loved, and love in return. Life is a beautiful adventure, one that continues far beyond my thirtieth birthday.